Athletes Welcome New Trainers
September 9, 2015
Athletes are transitioning from having one familiar face to having two new athletic trainers.
Before Jason Schoonover started his job on September 10 as one of Susky’s new athletic trainers, Jason was a clinical athletic trainer at Wellspan. He is a Lock Haven University graduate and currently lives in York with his fiancé.
“I have special interests in ACL prevention, ACL rehab and lower back injuries (like lower back pain). I did a lot of work with our (Geisinger Pediatric Specialty) trauma surgeon, so I have a lot of experience in reading X-Rays,” said Schoonover.
Schoonover was pleased with having two trainers.
“I think they wanted to make it more efficient for the student-athletes because I guess there was just an overflow for the previous athletic trainer…It has been great!” said Schoonover.
The second new trainer, Bethann Parrish, also graduated from Lock Haven University, and although she has lived in York county her whole life, she has never worked in Southern York County School District. Her first job was the athletic trainer for Gettysburg College’s mens soccer team and baseball team. Before she started working at Susky, she was the outreach athletic trainer for the Central Dauphin School District. This is her 11th year as an athletic Trainer, so she is quite experienced. Parrish says how the majority of the injuries that are brought to the trainers are relative to overuse. “So far so good,” said Parish.
Being so new and unknown by the majority of the school, most people who have gotten the chance to make their acquaintance are the students who have already been injured, such as Dorian Faster.
“I’ve been going there for a month now,” said Faster.” They treat me well, and they seem to know what they are doing.” Faster believes that the new trainers are good replacements for the old trainer.