Boys Tennis Making Great Performances
April 24, 2015
The 2015 boys tennis team performing well.
With their current overall record standing at 5-4, freshman Justin Field feels the team has been improving and is ready for upcoming matches.
“I think [our next match is] going to go well,” said Field. “I think we are well prepared for the next challenge.”
Junior Evan Brown also thinks they have been making excellent progress.
“…We have things to work on, but we are making good progress, and I’m making good progress,” said Brown.
Brown feels that upcoming games will go as planned.
“Next game I think we’ll do pretty well,” said Brown. “…we have some challenges to overcome, but I think we can do it.”
York Suburban and York Catholic will give the tennis team challenging competition.
Merriann Michaels, the tennis coach, speaks highly of their season so far and is confidant for the future because of how great the players are competing.
“Actually Anthony Iannuzzi…is playing great, he shows up and…he’s just a fighter. Also, Aaron Gervasio…and Devin Glipsy and they’re all just holding their positions well and his improvement gained tremendously from last season,” said Michaels. “It’s absolutely amazing.”
Michaels is looking forward to being a successful tennis coach and winning what the tennis team will deserve.
“As always I’m going after the title, but we have to get passed York Suburban and York Catholic…I’m hoping that we finish out…up top,” said Michaels.
Later in the month, the tennis team will play Central York on April 14, York Suburban on April 15, Littlestown on April 17 and Red Lion on April 24.
Hopefully, our tennis team will have a successful rest of the season by trying their hardest to achieve their goals.