Who Will Be the King of Hearts?

By Karly Matthews, Editor-in-Chief

The week of King of Hearts is here, and the student body is excited for the event’s festivities.

Senior boy candidates include: Caleb Bryant, Mark Freidhoff, Alex Rebich, Duncan Mitchell, Clayton Leisure, Tyler Ritz, Jake Machulcz, Alex Rohrbaugh, Shane Harris and Luke Bond. The premise of the “contest” is to see who can collect the most cans and monetary donations, for the Southern York County Services.

Candidates decorated boxes for can donations from students. Photo by Karly Matthews.

Machulcz looks forward to finding out who raised the largest donation.

“I kind of want there to be a surprise as to who wins,” said Machulcz. “Personally, I don’t think I will win, but [I want to be] surprised.”

The winner will be announced during an all-school pep rally on Friday, February 13, and as with all pep rallies, student council is keeping some parts as surprises.

Student council adviser Kellin McCullough’s favorite part of King of Hearts is the pep rally, and this year, she thinks that student council has prepared a fun event.

There are many candidates for students to choose to donate to. Photo by Karly Matthews.

“Student council has done a really good job at trying to get a lot of different types of students involved,” said McCullough.

If the candidates raise two thousand pounds of cans by the time of the pep rally, both principal Kevin Molin and athletic director Chuck Abbott will dress up as Cupid to get the school in the Valentine’s Day spirit.




King of Hearts Spirit Days

Student council-made posters inform students of what to wear during King of Hearts week. Photo by Karly Matthews.

Leading up to the pep rally, the King of Hearts week will be comprised of five spirit days to celebrate the fundraising that the candidates are doing. On Monday, dress in professional sports attire such as a favorite jersey. Tuesday is twin day, so friends all over the school will dress similarly. Wednesday is dedicated to Disney, so brush off your princess or pirate costume. Thursday, following the #tbt trend on social media, is throwback Thursday, which is up for interpretation. Finally, Friday is all about Valentine’s Day, and students should dress in pink, red, and white.


The Purpose

Despite all the fun and silly festivities, the reason for King of Hearts is both meaningful and important for all students to understand.

Freidhoff looks forward to the coming week for many reasons, and he is excited to see who won, no matter who it is.

“We have the chance to fund raise things for the community and food bank,” said Freidhoff. “I’m looking forward to just having fun.”

  As the Friday pep rally approaches, don’t forget to donate to your favorite candidate to benefit a good cause.