Color Guard Goes to First Competition

By Logan Garvey, Editor-in-Chief


Color Guard practices for their first competition on the following day. Photo by: Logan Garvey

With lots of nerves and hopes of receiving an excellent overall score, the indoor color guard team went to their first competition on Saturday, January 31 at Conestoga Valley High School.

After going to the competition on Saturday, the color guard team placed 3rd place out of 5 and received a score of 53.5 out of 100.

The team’s show was set to the song, “Over the Rainbow” by Eva Cassidy, which is set at a slower tempo than the original and has a majesticl tone to it.

The color guard has three different flag changes used at different parts of the show to help bring out the emotions in the song. On the Friday night before the competition, there was a preview of the show that the parents and community were welcome to watch.

One of the three flags used in the show. Photo by: Logan Garvey

At the preview show, color guard instructor Chrissy Drouyn admitted that the kids may be a little stressed the following day.

“I think it might be a little stressful [for the kids] because 10 of the 16 have never… [competed] before,” said Drouyn. “For them it’ll be a new experience, but I think that… they’ll be able to enjoy…[being at the competition] once they perform.”

The team performing for their parents and the community during their preview show. Photo by: Logan Garvey

    This is Drouyn’s first year of indoor color guard with Susquehannock, but she came to the school as the new instructor in the past outdoor color guard season in fall 2014.

Sophomore Kaila Taylor shared that the new additions to their team will benefit them.

“Of course I miss the old people, but… I’m okay with the new people because I feel like they’re going to better our team,” said Taylor.

Including this season, Taylor has been a part of the color guard since she was in 7th grade. Another person who is very dedicated to color guard is senior Haley Jacque, who has been in indoor color guard for a total of 3 years.

Jacque believes this season will improve due to their current instructor.

“I feel that it’s going to be a good season…because of our instructor and her past experience,” said Jacque.
  The team has looked at these results with open minds and a positive outlook, believing 3rd place is providing them with room to improve.

Students wait for the next part of the song in order to move to the next formation. Photo by: Logan Garvey