McKenna Porter
Porter has been a part of the varsity swimming and diving team for all of four years at Susquehannock, as well as the varsity track and field team during her junior year. She is also a member of the National Honors Society, the Susky writing center and the class council.
“I did not expect to be voted on to the homecoming court, as I can be relatively reserved at times,” Porter said. “I thought that a lot of people didn’t know me well enough to want to vote for me, but being on the court has made me realize that the warmth and friendliness that I try to show others does not go unnoticed.”

Nicole Dauberman
Dauberman is involved in cross country, swimming, track and field, class council as secretary and the National Honors Society.

“To be on homecoming court means an amazing opportunity to represent our school, and I am honored to be doing it with these girls that I have grown up with and love,” Dauberman said.