Student Council Brings New Leadership Skills Back to Susky
April 20, 2022
Leadership is shown in the classroom, on sports teams, and outside of school.
The members of Susquehannock student council made their way to Red Lion High School for a Region 7 leadership conference on March 11.
Sophomore Rachel Stiffler enjoyed how the students were able to connect with other schools’ councils.
“This conference had about 15 other schools there all to combine their thoughts and ideas,” Stiffler said.
Many members of the council believe this was a beneficial conference.
This was not the first time Susquehannock made an appearance at this conference, according to adviser Kellin McCullough, but it was the first time for most of the students who attended this year.
“We try to go to the Region F conference every year,” McCullough said.“We did not go during 2020 and 2021 due to COVID restrictions, and they were not offered.”
The students left in the beginning of the school day and spent most of their day collaborating and working together with other students from surrounding schools.

The students who went shared that getting the chance to be a part of this was a very helpful experience including student council member, junior Dylan Elliot.
“We always hear thoughts and ideas from each other at school, so it was cool to get the point of view and ideas from students not from our school,” Elliott said.
Sending students to this conference has shown to affect them after.
The students get to learn new skill sets and learn how to work and lead better together but also individually.
“It taught us about learning to be a leader [and] no matter what, [to] be confident in yourself when you do lead,” Stiffler said.
It was helpful for not only the group, but our school as well since the group was exposed to ways to better Susquehannock’s overall program.
“As an adviser, I get to attend adviser round table sessions,” McCullough said. “I love talking with other advisers because it confirms that we have AWESOME students at SHS. It also helps me reflect on what I can do to be a better adviser!”