Craig Scott Empowers Students to Spread Kindness

March 16, 2022

One of the biggest tragedies of the century happened at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado on April 20, 1999.

Two seniors-with weapons and anger- took the lives of 12 individuals and injured over 21.

Photograph Courtesy of @speakercraigscott on Instagram

One of the lives taken was Rachel Joy Scott, sister of survivor and speaker Craig Scott.

“Rachel was the very first student that was killed in the Columbine High School shooting,” said C. Scott.

But C. Scott did not want to focus on the tragedy at the assembly he hosted at Susquehannock this past Thursday, March 10.

C. Scott wanted to focus on the legacy of his sister and the impact she has made on people’s lives.

Photograph Courtesy of @speakercraigscott on Instagram

Bringing kindness and awareness into the building, C. Scott talked about how his sister was“…someone who tried to live her best and inspire other people.”

His goal is not to hold one time emotional assemblies, but to create a long lasting impact on the people he speaks to. During the speech, C. Scott kept repeating “Your story matters,” ultimately reminding us that self kindness is just as important as it is towards others.

C. Scott’s main purpose for his cause of school speaking is to address the root causes of school violence and to improve school culture.

He shows how students can take control and are responsible for their emotions.


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His passion is showing students how to help others and to forgive each other for the mistakes that may have been made.

C. Scott wants to create a “chain reaction” on the spread of positivity and self awareness.

Principal Dr. Kevin Molin knew that this would be beneficial to the students of Susky.

“Based on feedback from students and the attentiveness of the student body, I believe the assembly went well,” said Molin.  “I also believe that those who allowed his message to ‘sink into their thoughts’ walked out of the assembly with a powerful message.”

After the assembly, C. Scott had a meeting with a student-lead club which will create a lasting impact on the school.

Junior Anne Jackson was one of the many students that attended this meeting for the new club, Friends of Rachel.

Juniors Anne Jackson, Lexi Reider and Nicole Dauberman get a picture with Craig Scott after the leadership meeting. Photograph Courtesy of Lexy Reider

“He discussed ways to bring a better sense of community to our school,” said Jackson.“We all talked about different activities that the F.O.R.(Friends of Rachel) club could do to make such changes to our student body. Overall, the meeting was amazing and extremely impactful.”

The conclusion of this meeting was that students are “planning to do one event a month to promote kindness and inclusion,” said Molin.

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