Boys Soccer Scores Another Division Title

October 24, 2021

Boys soccer has done it again.

Boys soccer team poses for a victory picture. Photograph Courtesy of Brad Keeney

For the fourth year in a row, the Warrior Boys Soccer team has defended their division title and have made it to  districts.

The defending champs will play their first round of districts against Daniel Boone at Susquehannock due to being the first seed. 

The first district game will be held on Monday, Oct. 25.

To win the district title, the boys will play in a four-round elimination tournament that takes place over the next few weeks.

If the boys can keep up the streak, they will advance to the second round of the district playoffs.

The opposing team will be announced at a further date.

Head coach Brett Maxwell and the team know the competition will be fierce.

Warrior Boys Soccer is currently first in the Division II standings. Courtesy of Jeff Lautenberger of

“The District 3 tournament is an incredibly deep tournament due to the quality of soccer in central Pennsylvania,” said Maxwell. “I feel like we have as good of a chance of winning it as any other team in the tournament. [We] just need to take it one game at a time.” 

Maxwell and the team are working towards achieving their best level of play to prepare for Monday’s game on their home turf.

Senior Jimmy Seiling explains how he and the team are preparing for his last season of a chance to bring home the district title.

“We are staying healthy and active and making sure we are at our best for the post-season,¨ said Seiling.

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