The Theatre Program Fences to Opening Night
October 6, 2021
This fall, the theater program is getting back into action with a new fall play, The Three Musketeers.
Premiering on Nov. 19. 20. 21, the exciting action of this play is based the classic novel by Alexandre Dumas, a tale of heroism, treachery, close escapes and honor.
According to the Susquehannock High School Theatre website, “Commissioned by the world famous Bristol Old Vic, it tells the story of a brother and sister, d’Artagnan and Sabine, who sets off for Paris in search of adventure. D’Artagnan hopes to join the valiant King’s Musketeers. Sabine, meanwhile, is being sent to a convent school, but decides quickly that it’s not for her. She’d rather fight by her brother’s side. Cardinal Richelieu has different plans for both of them, but with their new best friends, Athos, Porthos and Aramis by their sides, they save the day for king and country.”

Junior stage manager Lauren Paules is now helping produce her thirteenth show with the high school theater program.
For 6 years, Paules has helped with and has seen many shows put together in the theater program.
Paules explains how this year’s show will be different from past years.
“This year will be different because we finally get to all be together again and can rehearse our show on the stage again,” said Paules. “We had to rehearse in the cafeteria last year in small groups, so being all together again is so much fun.”
Senior Robert Harden plays two roles this year, the role of Treville and the father, and he could not be more thrilled.
“The father sets up the morals of D’Artagnan and Sabine and the overall tone of the show, while Treville is a foil to Rochefort, the evil underling,” said Harden. “Treville also helps us truly introduce the musketeers and their distinct personalities.”
Harden could not be more excited to begin showing off his fencing moves
“I am really excited about the fight scenes,” said Harden. “I have been [fencing] for 12 years now, so being able to fence on stage is combining two of my passions.” The lead role, D’Artagnan, is played by sophomore Teddy Hill.”

Hill agrees that this year is going to be way different then last year’s show.
“Last year we learned that even though we were faced with some difficulties putting together the show, we can put together a quality performance and entertain a group of people,” said Hill. “This year is a bit different because we know we can do a show with masks or face shields, where last year it was more up in the air.”
As the participants of theater study hard for the “Three Musketeers” performance, the cast members are starting to become more comfortable with the way the show will be this year.
Sophomore Cordelia Jenkins plays the role of Milady/Madame de Winter who “acts as the two main villains of the show.”
“Preparing for a show is never easy… but for this show specifically, I’ve been trying to memorize my lines as fast as I possibly can in order to be able to focus more on the actual presentation of the show and the fight sequences that I need to learn,” said Jenkins. “Apart from that, I’ve just been trying to get the feel of my character and figure out how to actually play her as a villain.”
Tickets will be sold for an in-person audience this year.
The sales have not begun just yet.
Visit the theater’s web-page to find more information on The Three Musketeers.