Sophomore Chase Robert jumps for a shot ending in a basket for the Warriors, leading them to a final score of 78-46 against Dover. Photograph by Maggie GrimRobert goes up for a shot, blocking out a Dover player on the way. Photograph by Maggie GrimSophomore Josh Franklin steals the ball and breaks away, heading towards Dover’s basket. Photograph by Maggie GrimJunior Jalen Franklin follows through on a three-pointer, while he gets guarded by Dover. Photograph by Maggie GrimJunior Dan Benna gets ready for a rebound from one of his fellow teammate’s shots. Photograph by Maggie GrimJunior Ricky Ferguson takes the ball down the court past multiple Dover players, heading straight for the basket. Photograph by Maggie GrimJunior Zach Coleman defends a Dover player while Dover has possession of the ball. Photograph by Maggie GrimJunior Zach Pecunes grips the ball from the ground and gets ready to break away down the court, heading towards the basket. Photograph by Maggie GrimJalen Franklin scans the court for the next pass to his teammates. Photograph by Maggie GrimSenior Nick Holloway took the ball down the court towards the basket looking for a pass getting past Dover. Photograph by Maggie GrimBenna makes one of his foul shots. Photograph by Maggie GrimSenior Michael Staub and Pecunes gives junior Thakib Aroworowon a hug as they celebrate after a victory over the Dover Eagles. Photograph by Maggie Grim