AP Exams Are Here
May 12, 2020
AP testing season can be extremely tough for many, especially during times like these.
However, there are still many ways that you can study despite not having access to traditional school instruction.
You can go to CollegeBoard and use the many different study guides and study tips on the website.
Right as you go onto the site, a big, yellow drop down bar will come across the screen, which allows you to try the exam demo to get a preview of what you will be taking come test day.

CollegeBoard also has a YouTube channel, and they live stream lessons for students.
The AP Program is releasing free response questions every year for exams that have them.
They are also releasing sample student responses and scoring guidelines for past exam questions.

Khan Academy is also offering many study guides before test day to prepare students.
CollegeBoard recommends emailing your teacher to get more information about the resources in the AP Classroom because it may be a little difficult to navigate on your own.
Some of your teachers may even use the AP Classroom to give assignments and keep you up to date.
It may help you to make a study schedule; it is hard during times like these to try to remain studying consistently amidst all the distractions at home.

Make sure you are actually obtaining information when studying and not just putting minimal effort in just to get by.
Do the basics like eating well, staying hydrated and most importantly, getting really good sleep.
It is important to try to answer questions and get a taste of the questions you will be answering come test day.
Use practice tests as a way to gauge how well you know something, how well you can communicate it and how well you understand the types of questions.
After working hard all year, you want to score well on your AP tests; hopefully, these tips will assist you.