Alumni Spotlight – Patrick Barry ’07

February 21, 2018

Alumni Spotlight - Patrick Barry '07

Susquehannock 2007 graduate Patrick Barry is a financial advisor in York, PA, and is an avid volunteer in the local community. Patrick graduated from Lebanon Valley College in 2011, majoring in history and special education. He was a teacher in Maryland for four years after graduating from college. During his time at Susquehannock, Patrick was a member of the swim, cross country, and track teams and National Honor Society along with Big Buddy and Community Service Club. He is also an Eagle Scout and a recipient of the American Legion Award.

“I had good, genuine, caring teachers in school who encouraged students to flourish,” said Patrick about his high school years. “The environment truly fostered individual learning and success,” he said. Patrick said his experience at Susquehannock motivates him to help others through volunteering for organizations including Junior Achievement, where he teaches students about budgeting and finance. “It’s important to give students the tools to succeed and reach their goals in the future,” said Patrick.

A drive to help others and give back to the community fuels Patrick’s extensive volunteerism. He inherited his caring nature from his mother and father, who worked as a nurse and a police officer. “They are selfless and taught my sisters and me the importance of giving back and helping others,” he said. In addition to Junior Achievement, Patrick is a member of the New Freedom Lions Club, who partners with the fourth grades of the District with their ‘Give from the Heart’ charitable donation program. He serves as president of the Rotary Club of Southern York County, which sponsors the ‘Reading is Fundamental’ program in the elementary schools. He is also a volunteer at the voting polls along with his father.

When asked what advice he offers today’s Susquehannock students, Patrick stressed the importance of finding ways to have a positive impact in the community. “Students shouldn’t be afraid to be adventurous, make mistakes, ask questions, and never stop learning,” said Patrick. “Address things with an open mind, travel the world, and know that there is power in joining together for the greater good,” he said.

Patrick lives in the District with his wife, Ashton, a 2008 Susquehannock graduate who is an elementary teacher in the Red Lion School District, and their young son, Wesley.

We thank you, Patrick, for making us Warrior Proud!

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