Sports Booster Club and Alumni Association Plan Annual Golf Tournament
April 18, 2016
The Susquehannock All Sports Booster Club and the Susquehannock Alumni Association are co-sponsoring a golf tournament on Friday, May 13, 2016 at Hickory Heights Golf Course, in Spring Grove. Highlighting the event will be awards, door prizes, and an opportunity to play one of York County’s most challenging and well maintained courses. A silent auction for unique sports memorabilia and other items are also a part of the day.
All proceeds of this benefit will be used to help fund 24 scholarships for varsity athletes at Susquehannock High School and Alumni Association programs, including continued work on the Susquehannock High School Alumni Field House. Since its inception, nearly $100,000 has been raised.
Registration is limited to 128 players (32 foursomes). The tournament begins at 8:00 a.m. with registration opening at 7:00 a.m. The cost is $90 per person or $360 per foursome. The cost also includes a continental breakfast and hot luncheon.
For more information, contact Chuck Abbott, Susquehannock High School Athletic Director, 717-235-4811, ext. 4240, or by email, [email protected]. For a registration form, click here. Hole sponsorships are also available. For information about sponsoring a hole, click here.