SHS Marching Band Receives New Uniforms
September 14, 2015
Marching band students at Susquehannock High School began the fall season with new band uniforms. Several of the students recently modeled their new uniforms at a Board of Education meeting and thanked the School Board and District Administrators for the band’s new acquisition.
The previous uniforms were purchased in 1995, Band Director Christian Poole said. Funds for the new uniforms were provided by both the District and the Band Boosters. The Band Boosters have been raising money since 2009, when the recommendation for new uniforms was proposed.
The new uniforms were designed with the Warrior mascot in mind, the students said and added that they feel more confident while performing in them. The uniforms are solid black with red trim and contain a feather design that extends down the side and to a sash.
“We wanted something that would set us apart,” Poole said.
The design does not contain many horizontal or vertical lines, which will give the band a competitive edge during competitions, senior Reed McGarvey said.
The uniforms are also lighter in weight, which helps keep those individuals who are wearing them cooler during warmer temperatures. In addition, adjustment in hems are not required in the arms or legs.
“The uniforms come with adjustable buttons, senior Taylor Reed said. “This is a great advantage and therefore, easier to pass down. It really improves the life of the uniforms.”