Anne Jackson
Homecoming Queen Erin Jackson poses prior to the start of the homecoming dance. Photograph by Anne Jackson
After multiple rounds of voting, the student body’s chosen homecoming queen was announced in an extravagant ceremony on the football field on Sept. 27.
Erin Jackson, an accomplished student and athlete who competed on the varsity girls soccer, lacrosse and basketball teams, her achievements helped her stand out from the competition.

Jackson was excited to participate in the homecoming court process.
“I enjoyed getting to know all the girls and connecting with them through court,” Jackson said. “The entire group on court are some of the nicest and most fun girls in the school, so it was always really great energy around them. I also really enjoyed the games that we played during the pep rally; they were very interesting.”
Jackson was also motivated to participate in homecoming court because her sister, Anne, was also crowned homecoming queen two years ago.
“My sister won Homecoming Queen in 2022, and I look up to her, so that was my other motivation,” Jackson said.
Erin was excited when she learned that she would be crowned queen.
“I was definitely shocked and surprised when I heard my name because I did not expect it,” Jackson said. “I could not stop smiling because I felt so loved at that moment!”
English teacher Kate Wilt has grown close with Erin as a warrior over the last couple of years and was excited to learn she would be crowned Homecoming queen.
“I was thrilled for her,” Wilt said.“She shines her positivity on everyone she comes into contact with, and it is lovely to see her being recognized by her classmates.”
One requirement for homecoming queen is to become an inspiration to younger students and classmates, and Jackson’s qualifications fit the bill well.
“[One qualification that] I have is always being inclusive,” Jackson said. “I try to connect and talk to everyone I come across. I also try to be a role model for others and be a leader. I try to always be kind to others because that is how I want to be treated.”

One of Jackson’s lifelong friends, fellow senior and homecoming court candidate Cassidy Derkosh was full of praise for Jackson.
“She has one of the biggest hearts I know,” Derkosh said. “Growing up, she was always nice to everyone even though not everyone was always the nicest back. Her energy is another thing I love about her. She can walk into a room and light the entire thing up. I could make a huge list about things I love about her, but if you know her, you know that everyone needs an Erin in their life. Erin is a great role model to not only just me, but to the entire community.”
Although homecoming court is over, there is plenty Erin wants to accomplish in her senior year. She wants to play basketball over the winter, attend senior prom, and play lacrosse in the spring.
Jackson has advice for students who wish to achieve what she did in high school.
“Take advantage of all this school has to offer, which is a lot, and not stress too much about school because it can consume you,” Jackson said. “Stay open-minded to things outside of your comfort zone; you never know when you will find something you enjoy. Do not be embarrassed of anything!”
Jackson’s biggest influence and motivation, however, is her mother Christine.
“Both of her daughters won homecoming queen, and it wasn’t just a coincidence, considering we both strive to be like her in every way possible,” Jackson said. “Her kindness and thoughtfulness has radiated off of me and my sister, Anne Jackson. She has taught us how to see different perspectives in life and be grateful for everything. If I could give my crown to her, I would.”
Jackson plans to continue her lacrosse career at Lock Haven University and earn a Master’s degree in Sports Psychology. She wishes to work with the mental health of high school and college athletes in the future.