SHS Courier • May 23, 2024 •
Juniors and Seniors Dress Up for Prom 2024
By Lachlan Gemmill-Edwards
Junior Kendall Single, SHS Alumna Alexa Wood and English teacher Katharine Wilt pose for a photo at the Valencia Ballroom on Saturday, May 4. “I enjoy seeing my students all dressed up and having a good time,” said Wilt. “For the seniors, it’s one of the last times we are all together so it’s super special to share in these memory-making events.” Photograph courtesy of Kendall SingleJunior Kara Paterniti dances for the camera at the Valencia ballroom on Saturday, May 4. School Resource Officer Dio Mendez was selected as the D.J. for the event, and he chose popular songs that many of the students knew. Photograph by Jillian Dance
After eating dinner, junior Christian Brakke stacks empty soda cans at the Valencia Ballroom on May 4. While many students danced, others talked with friends and used the time to socialize. Photograph courtesy of Eva GremJunior Ethan Perry poses with SHS principal Dr. Kevin Molin at the Valencia Ballroom on Saturday, May 4. This is the last prom to be attended by Molin as he is stepping down as SHS principal at the end of the 2023-2024 school year. Many volunteers are looking forward to next year’s prom. “I would love to help with Prom for as many years as possible,” said Wilt. “It is a really fun night that I get to share with my students and some of my best school friends.” Photograph courtesy of Eva GremSeniors Josh Olmstead and Caroline Dumm pose for a photograph after being crowned prom king and queen at the Valencia Ballroom on Saturday, May 4. Photograph by Lachlan Gemmill-Edwards
Juniors Thomas Chilinguerian and Joelle Pearson celebrate after being crowned prom prince and princess at the Valencia Ballroom on May 4. “Before the voting came out, I didn’t know Prom Prince even existed so this was a very big surprise when I found out that not only is it a thing but that I won as well,” said Chilinguerian. I was also nervous when I won because I normally do not do well in front of crowds but it wasn’t as bad as I thought.” Photograph by Lachlan Gemmill-Edwards
Juniors Chloe Sproul and Joelle Pearson pose for a photograph at the Valencia on May 4. Pearson was crowned Prom Princess after the dinner was finished. Photograph courtesy of Chloe SproulJunior Kendall Single poses with science teacher Nick DeLuca inside the Valencia Ballroom in York PA on May 4. Students took many photos with their favorite teachers and friends in front of this backdrop located near the concession stand. Photograph courtesy of Kendall SingleSeniors Alyssa Fowler and Bryce Jankowiak gaze over the Valencia ballroom on Saturday, May 4, 2024. For many couples, the prom was a romantic event where they could spend quality time with their significant other. Photograph by Jillian DanceAt the prom after party hosted by Susquehannock High School, students pet a selection of animals at the petting zoo. The after party was hosted by volunteers and lasted from 10:30 p.m. on May 4 to 1:30 a.m. on May 5. Photograph courtesy of Eva GremStudents gather in the SHS Commons for the prize giveaways at the prom after party in the early hours of Sunday, May 5. Every guest in attendance got a prize and the prize giveaway lasted for more than an hour. Photograph by Jillian Dance