SHS Courier • January 4, 2024 •
Next Phase of Construction Renovates Existing Building
The floor plan for the first floor of the school
By Lachlan Gemmill-Edwards
On December 19, 2023, Susquehannock High School Principal Dr. Kevin Molin gave the SHS Courier an inside look at the renovations at the High School.
The current phase of renovations is focusing on updating the existing parts of the building. It is an extensive overhaul of classrooms and offices in the older part of the building. The existing building was constructed in different phases; the original school was built in the 1940s, then an update in the 1980s, and finally the Tower itself was constructed in the early 2000s.
The hallway and classrooms between the auxilary gym and Commons is still under heavy construction, but starting to take its final shape. Photograph by Lachlan Gemmill Edwards
The tour began at the doors leading into the hallway from the main gym. Much of the floor is ripped up, the ceiling tiles are gone, walls are being reconfigured, and there is no paint on the walls.
New water fountains and bottle-filling stations are already installed in the hallway between the main gym lobby and the auxiliary gym. Photograph by Lachlan Gemill-Edwards
There are big updates in store for the auxiliary gym. There will be a new balcony on the second floor overlooking the gym. On and below the balcony will be the new weight room.
The west wall of the auxiliary gym has been opened up to create space for the fitness center. The original plan is for the upper balcony to be for cardio equipment, while the opening space below that will be for strength-training equipment. The openings will have garage-style doors. Photograph by Lachlan Gemmill-Edwards
A construction worker completes a project in a new storage room on the east side of the auxiliary gym. Photograph by Lachlan Gemmill-Edwards
The locker rooms connected to the auxiliary gym are being completely revamped, including updating the office space for the physical education teachers and coaches.
Sun shines in through the windows into the girl’s locker room which is receiving a complete face lift. Photograph by Lachlan Gemmill-EdwardsNew windows were installed on the east wall of the auxiliary gym. The gym originally had windows in the same place but they were covered over when the building was renovated in the late 80’s. Photograph by Lachlan Gemmill-Edwards
Big changes are underway on the basement level of the building. The Engineering classroom will remain similar to before, with a computer lab adjacent to a mini-workshop. However, the new addition is the opening between the metal shop and engineering room, allowing easy access between the two spaces and creating new opportunities for creative expression.
A construction worker adds new mortar and block to openings for windows between the engineering lab and the metal shop. This was designed to allow for easy communication and travel between the two spaces. Photograph by Lachlan Gemmill-Edwards
The old art room in the basement is being turned into a classroom and a robotics lab. Photograph by Lachlan Gemmill-Edwards
History teacher Abigail Shenot’s former classroom is currently being used as the headquarters for the construction team and will revert to a ‘normal’ classroom once renovations are complete. Photograph by Lachlan Gemmill-Edwards
An opening was created in the extrerior wall of the ‘tower’ classroom which used to be used by English teacher Jess Beste. The opening is used as a loading bay for construction equipment and materials during the renovation. Photograph by Lachlan Gemmill-Edwards
Construction materials and equipment are staged in the top-floor hallway from the tower towards the Commons. Photograph by Lachlan Gemmill-Edwards
A construction worker admires the view from a classroom on the top floor of the ‘Tower’ that used to be used by math teacher Kelly Quinn. Photograph by Lachlan Gemmill-Edwards
Much of the artwork and murals painted by students over the years currently remains. But according to principal Dr. Kevin Molin, much of the artwork will be painted over to match the new color scheme of the building.
A construction worker removes material in the area where a new elevator is being added in the space of the old math wing. Photograph by Lachlan Gemmill-Edwards
The classrooms are being prepped to be painted (Lachlan Gemmill-Edwards)
According to Dr. Molin, many of the classrooms on the upper level of the building are closer to completion than the downstairs.
An example of what a finished classroom will look like. Photograph by Lachlan Gemmill-Edwards
One hallway of the second phase is completed. The hallway above the new office suite is completed and some teachers have moved into those classrooms.
The new science/language hallway has been in use since Jan. 2.
The first hallway to be finished for the second phase of the renovation is the Sciences/Language hallway above the office suite. Photograph by Lachlan Gemmill-Edwards
A temporary wall constructed so work on the new stairway can be constructed between the new construction and existing building. Photograph by Lachlan Gemmill-Edwards
Science teachers already move in their belongings to the new classrooms prior to the holiday break. Photograph by Lachlan Gemmill-Edwards
Windows in the new classrooms above the office suite look out over the Commons. Photograph by Lachlan Gemmill-Edwards
Construction workers put the finishing touches in the first hallway to open up from the renovation. Photograph by Lachlan Gemmill-Edwards