SHS Courier • May 10, 2022 •
Students Showcase Skills at Art and Tech Fair
Peyton Savage
Senior Danielle Williman prepares for the fair by arranging photos within her showcase book. Students prepared for the Art and Tech fair during the school day before the event took place later that night.
By Peyton Savage and Alex Stine
Junior Juliet Elias and Senior Jordan Hilferty appreciate artwork presented at the Art and Technology Fair in the main gym of the high school on Wednesday, April 27. They were looking at artwork from high school and middle school. Photograph by Alex StineAt the art fair, members of the jazz band played a few pieces to provide some extra entertainment. On the same night SHS hosted its annual Spring Band Concert. Senior Josh Rutters played the tenor saxophone and expressed his love for music. “Incredible experience, just try it and you’ll fall in love with it. Music really is the great communicator,” Rutters said. Photograph by Alex StineThe Junior Cadets, from Southern Middle School, play a few pieces in the lobby to provide music for those attending the event. The high school has been hosting the art fair for nearly 15 years. But this was the first time since 2019 it was held in person. The fair was virtual in 2020 and 2021 due to the pandemic. Photograph by Alex StineSenior Catherine Conrad displays her talent by painting during the fair to give the opportunity for people to watch the artwork being created live. “The seniors have a senior show where they display all of their best work in the middle of the gym,” Bowers said. Photograph by Alex StineParents from students in grades Kindergarten through 12th look for their child’s work while appreciating the art all around. “The show displays a wide variety of work including the fine arts, photography, graphic arts, woodworking, metal working, baked goods and sometimes fashion,” said high school Graphic Communications teacher Wade Bowers. Photograph by Peyton SavageStudents admire the talent that the Electronic Arts students have put into creating personal logos. These logos and portraits were assignments that students went above and beyond with. “It is astonishing how talented these people can be,” said junior Olivia Folfas after viewing the works at the fair. Photograph by Peyton SavageMiddle School Art Teacher Abigail Eakins speaks with a past student while setting up the art fair. Senior Kacie Dix had some of her art displayed at the fair. “I really appreciate the ability as a senior to show off all the work I’ve done over the years,” Dix said. “It was a wonderful chance to see the different levels of work from each grade and school.” Photograph by Peyton SavageJunior Juliet Ellias takes a picture of students’ photography work to share with her peers. Hundreds of photos and art pieces were on display. Photograph by Peyton SavageSenior, Danielle Williman wraps up her display by placing her final touches. “I’m really glad that we were able to have the art and tech fair this year, ”Williman said. “It was really special for a lot of the seniors, including myself, to get to showcase our work for the school.” Photograph by Peyton SavageFeatured artist and English teacher Heath Hallman paints live during the event. Bowers speaks highly of Hallman. “Heath has been an English teacher at Susquehannock for 20 years and enjoys painting as an enthusiastic hobby,” Bowers said. Photograph by Peyton SavageHallman shows his enthusiasm for attending the Art and Tech Fair as the featured artist. Typically at the art fair, the chosen featured artist is an alumni or a community artist. This year Hallman was chosen to display his artworks at the show. Photograph by Peyton SavageStudents marvel at the artwork created by their peers. Artworks of many mediums were presented at the fair such as paintings, drawings, sculptures, wood works, metal works and even videography creations. Photograph by Peyton Savage