SHS Courier • September 16, 2021 •
Girls Volleyball Kills Their Way into Season
By Tricia Rawleigh, Reporter
Freshman Claire Somerville serves to the Eastern Knights in the season opener. Somerville has high hopes for this season. “I feel like this season will go actually really well with the people we have on our team,” Somerville said. Photograph by Tricia Rawleigh(Tricia Rawleigh)
Sophomore Anna-Marie Petricevic approaches to take the hit and get the Lady Warriors a kill. Petricevic shares her thoughts on this year’s team and. “I think it is going well, we are all personally improving and getting better as a whole team. We just need to bring it all together now to get a win,” said Petricevic. Photograph by Tricia Rawleigh (Tricia Rawleigh)
Senior Allyson Garcelon sets a pass out to Anna-Marie Petricevic. Garcelon shares her thoughts for this season. “I feel that this season will go really well because we are getting really close together and starting to have fun while trusting each other,” said Garcelon. Photograph by Tricia Rawleigh. (Tricia Rawleigh)
The team comes together celebrating a point against the Eastern Knights. The lady Warriors scored a big Warrior block against the Knights in the second set of the night. Photograph by Tricia Rawleigh (Tricia Rawleigh)
Junior Emily Wright prepares to spike the ball for a kill off the assist from Garcelon. The Warriors opened their season at Eastern York on September 9. Photograph by Tricia Rawleigh(Tricia Rawleigh)
Senior Mackenzie Womack gets another kill for the Lady Warriors. Photograph by Tricia Rawleigh.(Tricia Rawleigh)
From left to right, Sophomore Amanda Diggs, Sophomore Briley Jones, and Senior Chloe Ross get ready to dig up the serve from the Eastern Knights. Photograph by Tricia Rawleigh.
Sophomore Amanda Diggs digs up the serve by Eastern Knights. Behind Diggs, senior Mackenzie Womack transitions to go for the kill off the preceeding set. Photograph by Tricia Rawleigh.(Tricia Rawleigh)
Sophomore Briley Jones serves an ace against Eastern. This is Jones’ first year on the High School team. “I thought that for our first game it went very well. We had very high energy and came together as a team. However, it definitely could have gone better,” said Jones. Photograph by Tricia Rawleigh.(Tricia Rawleigh)
Sophomore Anna-Marie Petricevic (26) and senior Maddie Gajewski (17) get a big double block. Petricevic and Gajewski scored a point for the Warriors giving them a lead in the set. Photograph by Tricia Rawleigh.(Tricia Rawleigh)
The team comes together at the end of their season opener. The Warriors lost in 5 games. Photograph by Tricia Rawleigh.(Tricia Rawleigh)