With a mix of old and new players, from seniors to freshmen, the girls tennis team wrapped up the regular season with a 2-3 loss against Kennard-Dale.
However, the girls’ overall league season record was a 5-2 with seven players moving on to post season play.
The seven varsity players who moved on are: Alisyn Zapach, Peyton Joines, Abby Martin, Diana Kelbaugh, Megan Cramer, Livia Haines and Julia Thomas. The girls will play in a YAIAA doubles tournament Monday, Oct. 7 at Red Lion.
Senior Captain Julia Thomas recalls her favorite memory from this season.
“The most exciting thing was playing Dallastown on our senior night- and winning [against them] for the first time since 2011,” said Thomas.
Coach Marianne Michels is extremely pleased with the group.
“I have a great group of girls this year: tremendous friendship, tremendous depth, and talent,” said Michels. “The only thing we don’t have though, well, we are a young team in a lot of ways. We are strong, but we don’t have experience.”
Junior Greta Flemmens has a lot of love for the team.
“I love my team with all of my heart,” said Flemmens. “They are the most supportive group of girls that I know. When you are struggling they are there for you to cheer you on and help you through it.”
The team was thoroughly challenged by Michels, making sure the girls are the best they could be before and after each match.
“I tell them when not to give up, and that they have to fight their hardest,” said Michels. “Tell the mind, tell the body that it needs to push. All the training they’ve done, some of them have worked with private clinics, private coaches, that this is where it all comes to play. They need to draw on that.”
Michels makes sure the girls have a say in part of the training process.
“After every match I have them tell me what they want to work on, what they felt like their weaknesses were in the match and what their strengths were in the match,” said Michels.”Then we work on that at the next practice. The things I see, my assistant coach Austin sees, and my manager Billy, who are a very integral part of this whole operation, whatever anyone sees is something we need to work on.”
But there is more to tennis than just hitting the ball.
“There’s a lot going on, and sometimes the way you play there’s a deeper thing going on there. There could be something going on in your life, and it’s not like you’re not trying,” Michels said.
When girls are nervous, Michels has no problem giving words of encouragement to them.
“I always tell them that anyone can do this. You know how to hit the ball, you know how. You can do this. You can stand up against anyone,” said Michels.“You just need to believe in yourself.”