Students who love to read and discuss their ideas and opinions about books may want to consider joining the book club.

Curious to see if there was any interest this year, Corrieri posted about a potential book club.
“There was no book club last year… a few years back we had the book club because I had a group of students that were very interested in reading and clubbing, and then they graduated and there wasn’t a lot of interest. It sort of petered out for a couple of years, and then this year I thought about posting on Canvas to the students and seeing who was interested. I got a really good response; there were a lot of kids who wanted to join. So I’m pleased with it,” said Corrieri.
Junior Sam Bechtel is one of the students who joined the newly created club.
“I have been in the book club since Mrs. Corrieri suggested the idea on Canvas, asking what books students had read over the summer. I have always wanted to join a book club, and I thought this would be fun,” said Bechtel.

“I started the club because I get into so many great conversations about books when students visit the library. I feel that students need a place to share their great insight and ideas with others. We can learn so much from each other, and it helps everyone appreciate different perspectives,” said Corrieri.
Junior Brittany Boone, another new member, has a similar view on why she likes the club.
“My favorite part about the club is that everyone is coming together due to the love of literature. In other words, I love how something as simple as a book can bring unity among students who may never speak to one another otherwise,” said Boone.
There has been an abundance of students joining the club, which is not ideal for a book club because it is easier to discuss in a smaller group, but Corrieri has a plan for the large amount of interest she has gotten.
“There are 16 [people], which is a lot for a book club, but I think we can make it work. We may have to split for our discussion, and I think 8 and 8 would be a good size,” Corrieri explained.
Club members are able to vote on which book they want to read, and this month the choice is 13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher.

Students are welcome to sign up for the book club in the library. Meetings will be held on the third Thursday of each month in order to allow students time to read the book. The first meeting will be held after school on October 20 in the library.