Post Prom Party was Promtastic

By Courtney Rodgers, Reporter

For some students the post prom party was the highlight of prom night.  The post prom party (or PPP for short) had tons of food and games for people to enjoy late into the night.

The party started as soon as prom ended at 11:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 9 and ended Sunday morning at 3:00 a.m.  Since most people went home and changed into shorts and t-shirts after prom, most students started flowing in around 12:00 a.m.

PPP committee member Barb Acton was one of many parents that made the party possible.

Senior Sierra Patterson (right) and Alumni Jess Voltaggio (left) compete in the "hungry hippos" game. Photo By: Courtney Rodgers
Senior Sierra Patterson (right) and Alumni Jess Voltaggio (left) compete in the “hungry hippos” game.
Photo By: Courtney Rodgers

“The purpose of the post prom part was to enjoy the evening in a safe way and to have fun without getting in trouble,” said Acton. “From what I heard, we had a good turnout and positive feedback.”

Upon arrival, attendees were given a bag full of various coupons and tickets that they could use to win cash prizes at the end of the night.

There were quite a few fun inflatable games. There was a game in which two people were attached to a bungee, and had to shoot a basketball at opposite ends of an inflatable runway.

What were the tickets for, you ask?  In all of the games tickets were awarded, and could be used towards raffles that were also chosen at the end of the night.  There were around 50 prizes, donated by local businesses, that people could try and win with their tickets.

Prizes included things such as gift cards to restaurants, Hershey Park tickets, a GoPro, a computer and even a television.

Students stand around in the gym waiting to participate in various inflatable activities.  Photo By: Courtney Rodgers
Students stand around in the gym waiting to participate in various inflatable activities.
Photo By: Courtney Rodgers

Senior Mark Freidhoff had a lot of fun at post prom.

“The games were mainly my favorite part of post prom.  I literally racked up tickets at them and then put the majority of them in the GoPro raffle, and about a quarter of them in the TV raffle,” said Freidhoff.  “I was really happy I won the TV.”

There was also another game where four people used separate ropes to climb up an inflatable hill, and the first person to the top got the most tickets.

Junior Dan Stiffler was pleasantly surprised with the outcome of the night.

“My favorite part about post prom was being able to spend more time with my friends after prom was over,” said Stiffler.  “I was happy.  I won $150 when I wasn’t expecting to win anything, so it came as a good surprise.”

Acton helped to raise money for the night.

A group of students race against each other in the hamster ball relay. Photo By: Courtney Rodgers
A group of students race against each other in the hamster ball relay.
Photo By: Courtney Rodgers

“To raise money for the PPP we took part in numerous fundraisers starting in September,” said Acton.  “Sons of Sicily donated profits, we did two crab feast raffles, had the prom fashion show, and rely a lot on donations from local businesses and parents.”

Everyone went home safe and happy and got at least something out of the night, whether it was a coupon, a TV, or just a slice of pizza.